Your Boerne Children's Dentist
At Boerne Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s oral health is our top priority. That’s why as your Boerne and Fair Oaks pediatric dentist and orthodontists, we’re proud to offer superior dental and orthodontic care to help your child achieve their healthiest smile. Through expert dental treatments and services, Dr. Gómez and Dr. Alfonso work to create the healthiest teeth and gums for children. Continue reading to learn about our fluoride application treatment and why it’s important.
What is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is essential for proper tooth development as well as the prevention of tooth decay. One of the major sources of fluoride is actually in the water that you drink. Most public water supplies contain fluoride, which means that you can boost the health of your teeth simply by drinking water. However, not everyone has access to fluoridated water, and in some cases, water alone may not be enough.
In these situations, we may recommend fluoride supplements for your child. Many kinds of toothpaste contain fluoride, which are great ways to make sure that your children’s teeth receive the fluoride exposure they need. Use only a pea-sized amount for children between the ages of two and six. Children under age 2 just need a tiny smear.
Dr. Gómez can also provide topical fluoride applications right in our dental office. It is painted right onto your child’s teeth and left to sit for a few minutes to take effect.

Benefits of
Tooth enamel is constantly under attack from acids that come either directly from acidic foods and drinks or from oral bacteria that feed on sugar that is not cleaned from the mouth. Cavities form when acid eats through tooth enamel. However, when fluoride is present, it hardens enamel and makes it much more resistant to these acid attacks, keeping your teeth healthy and strong. Fluoride is even capable of repairing small cavities that are already starting to form.